Assignments... Assignments... Assignments...
Tests... Tests... Tests...
Why should a student do all these things? In fact, if I were given a long period of time, I'm willing to finish all of them, perfectly, I promise. However, I know, I really know... This is only my dream, because everyone is saying the same sentence: This is student's life. You know? I think these are not so called good ways to test a student's ability. Given such a short period, we, as students, need to do all the things. Think carefully and deeply, ask yourself, are you really performing so well? I'm sure you will answer "nope". You'll say: If I were given a longer time period, I will have done better than this, don't you?
This week and coming two weeks are really busy weeks for me. I have two unstarted assignments to be finished, and also few tests are on way, coming towards me. I'm so stressed! I couldn't lose, I must win, and this is the reason why I'm stressful now. Initially, I should be feeling happy and nervous as I'm going to Thailand on the 18th, but all these works are running across my mind every single second. Is it really a wrong timing for the trip? I don't know.
Although all the things are burdening me, I still feel happy to go for class, as I can see her. I love to attend class... Hahahahaha!