Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Life Without Rice

What an interesting story! An old lady in China claimed that she had never consume any rice since she was young. What makes her 3 meals every day is just candies. Yes, CANDIES. Amazingly, she has never been admitted into hospital and her tooth are extremely strong and healthy. Over the past until today, she has no diabetes at all. WOW!!!

According to her, she feels low appetite when she sees rice. She gains no attraction from rice. Sweets are her favorite. Anywhere she goes, there you’ll find candies. Even the grocery shopkeepers at her housing area says that most of their candies are bought by this old lady. They mentioned that they’ve never meet any person who consumes such many candies. SWEAT…

Her family members sent her to the hospital for check up for worrying she falls sick. Surprisingly, her medical report stated that she is healthy. However, doctor persuaded her not to consume too many sweets. Thus, she stopped eating sweets for two days, but after that, she couldn’t withstand her daily life without candies. Gosh!